Poggiofelice B&B

The country-house, recently built, is located in a quiet area, easily reachable, and thanks to its privileged position on the hills at the slopes of Etna, the largest active volcano in Europe, is an excellent starting point for excursions to the volcano and the entire eastern Sicily.

Since 2013 Mount Etna is a UNESCO heritage site. Here are all the information.

Why choose PoggioFelice B&B
Optimal position between mountains and sea. Hospitality and comfort in every time of the year Opportunity of tours to the major attractions of eastern Sicily: Catania, Acireale, Taormina, Etna, Alcantara Gorges, Syracuse.

Welcome in eastern Sicily, in the Etna Park
For your stay in Sicily, for a vacation to remember at the right mix of sea, nature, cultural-artistic heritage, gastronomy and events, choose the hospitality and the comfort of Poggiofelice B&B.

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Mmmm…profumo di Ottobrata Zafferanese

Mmmm…profumo di ottobrata zafferanese Ottobrata zafferanese. Odori, sapori, colori autunnali la caratterizzano! Anche quest’anno ritorna l’Ottobrata zafferanese, mostra mercato dei prodotti tipici locali della zona etnea, che anima le domeniche del mese di ottobre dalla fine degli anni 70. Suddivisa in cinque domeniche è ormai un appuntamento atteso da migliaia di[…]